Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.- George Washington Carver

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Need more ideas?

Visit my website for more lessons and activities that are geared for third grade Geometry!

Pictures of Polygon People

(The teacher will post the pictures once all Wanted descriptions are posted.)




Wanted: A girl with a hexagon head and two rhombuses as feet.  She has a rectangular body and neck. She also has rectangular hair and two isosceles eyes.

Created by: *student name

WANTED: Electro

Electo has two brown rectangles on his head black square head. He has yellow parallelogram eyes with 5 square white teeth.  He has 2 black rectangle legs and arms.

Wanted For: Stole 80 years of town electricity
Reward: $5,000,000,000

Created by: *student name

Lesson Plan

Click here for the lesson plan- Scroll down and click the file titled Day 5 Lesson Plan- Polygon Person

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Assignment: Create a Wanted: Polygon Person Posters

The students will create a Wanted: Polygon Person poster by using all the different types of polygons- triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons- to create a person.  For example, the student can use any polygon such as a hexagon for the head of the person and two equilateral triangles for the eyes, etc. After designing a person, the students will write a paragraph describing their person by using appropriate geometry terms on an index card.  They will transfer their written description onto the blog as a post. Once all 'Wanted' posters are created, students will be responsible for matching the description with the polygon person.